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Critical Care

We have put together some really useful sources of help for patients and relatives following a stay in ICU.

Please click on any of the links below - each contains  a guide which has lots of advice and information about Critical Care.  They explain how critical illness can be treated and what recovery may be like.  

Not everyone will experience all of the legacies of critical care but many will be touched by the 'normal' issues of such severe illness.  

Relatives will find these helpful too  as the guides answer many of the unusual aspects of recovery that you wouldn't immediately attribute to a critical care admission.

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Birchall Blackburn Law have helped and supported firstly ICUsteps Chester almost from the very beginning and now Critical Care Support Network.  Their support has been invaluable.  Here Claire Cully, a solicitor in their Serious and Catastrophic Injury team presents a guide to Benefits after Critical Care.  This is part of ICUsteps series of webinars that have taken place during the pandemic, our thanks to them for allowing us to share it.

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ICUsteps has worked with the London Transformation and Learning Collaborative to produce an excellent video - Critical Care 360 degree Tour for Patients, their Family and Friends.  It explains everything you find in ICU - who all the staff are, what all the machines and sounds are and the purpose of all the tubes plus many other things.  It is designed for both patients after leaving ICU and families during their loved one's stay in ICU.  The link is below and please feel free to share it with anyone who would benefit.


Our Group also has a Facebook Group 



This is a great place to meet others with similar experiences and problems.  


It is a Closed Group so only members can see what is written within it and nothing from the group can be shared outside the group.  This makes it a good safe space for asking questions and hearing other opinions. 


To join our Online Community.

Click on the button below.

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